Rare Species of the Rove Formation

I've wanted to make my way out to this specific site for quite some time, and it was not a disappointment. Today's cliff is part of the Rove Formation, a section of mostly sedimentary geology in northern MN that is quite distinct from the usual igneous rocks. Although I know very little about it, or geology in general, maybe that will be the next thing I have to start researching. I do know that unique geology in conjunction with other unique environmental conditions is a recipe for unique ecology. All in all it was quite the day of botanizing this fascinating site!

This is the only location that sticky locoweed (Oxytropis borealis var. viscida) is known from in MN. One of the many arctic-alpine disjunct species (it is about 600 miles from the species main range) of the state, this plant has quite a few adaptations for this harsh climate - a thick taproot, hairy leaves and calyx, low growth form, and the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. As with many of these rare plants only known from one or a few locations, I'm amazed how this small population is able to sustain itself over time. 

Sticky locoweed (Oxytropis borealis var. viscida)
State Endangered Species

Seed pods 

Up close

Purple reedgrass (Calamagrostis purpurascens) is also at this site and nearly as rare. There are only 4 historic sites in MN, of which only 2 of those populations have been relocated. Without the context of its rarity this would look and seem like just another grass species to me. I wonder what unique function it may play in the ecosystem of this site. 

Purple reedgrass (Calamagrostis purpurascens) 
State Endangered Species

growing in a cluster of Cladonias 

Rough-fruited fairy bells (Prosartes trachycarpa) is also only known from this location in MN, although I didn't see this species today (maybe next time!). The two species above were perhaps the most exciting finds, but there were many other rare species seen.

Yellow specklebelly lichen (Pseudocyphellaria holarctica)
State Endangered Species 

Powdery twig lichen (Ramalina labiosorediata) 
State Watchlist Species: Geographically Limited 

Encrusted saxifrage (Saxifraga paniculata)
State Special Concern Species

Concentric ring lichen (Arctoparmelia centrifuga)
State Specieal Concern Species 

Hanging fringe lichen (Anaptychia crinalis)
State Special Concern Species

Common Chocolate Chip Lichen (Solorina saccata)
State Watchlist Species - Insufficient Information

Mealy-rimmed shingle lichen (Pannaria conoplea)
State Watchlist Species - Declining 

Fan pelt lichen (Peltigera venosa)
State Special Concern Species 

Largeleaf sandwort (Moehringia macrophylla)
State Threatened Species 


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