
I made my way out to explore some peatlands in the Isabella area with Norma (bogwalker on iNat). This is an ecosystem that I have not explored much yet. Although we were only out for a few hours, I found quite a few new species to me, with many more to come. 

Northern yellow eyed grass (Xyris montana)
State Special Concern Species

Inundated bog clubmoss (Lycopodiella inundata)

White beaked sedge (Rhynchospora alba)

Rosemary tar spot (Rhytisma andromedae

We made our way to a second location in search of yellow specklebelly lichen (Pseudocyphellaria holarctica) and were successful. We also spotted a handful of other rare species, all of which I had seen before, but never in this type of habitat. 

Yellow specklebelly lichen (Pseudocyphellaria holarctica)
State Endangered Species

Spiny gray horsehair lichen (Bryoria nadvornikiana)
State Watchlist Species

Mealy-rimmed shingle lichen (Pannaria conoplea)
State Watchlist Species

Pale-footed horsehair lichen (Bryoria fuscescens)
State Special Concern Species


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