Nabokov's Blue

The McNair site was a pretty cool place. I drove the 40 miles or so in search of the Nabokov's blue (Plebejus idas ssp. nabokovi). This is the subspecies of the northern blue that is found in MN. It uses dwarf bilberry (Vaccinium caespitosum) as its larval host. Like most blueberries, dwarf bilberry is a fire dependent species, it can persist in the understory but really does best in the openings provided by burns, or blowdowns. That is the exact habitat that you'll find Nabokov's blue in. This site is quite special, it is the type location for the subspecies. Although it might seem quite ordinary to the unknowing eye. It's just a forest opening right next to some railroad tracks, some of the spots were open and a little drier with aspens and serviceberries, some more closed with an understory of dogwoods and willows, and some a little moister with bog labrador tea. But pretty much wherever you looked really low was an amazing amount of bilberry! After a few minutes of waiting around some blooming yarrow, I saw my first butterfly, followed by many more. 

Nabokov's blue (Plebejus idas ssp. nabokovi)

dwarf bilberry (Vaccinium caespitosum) 

The next day I stopped near the phone tower by the Bean and Bear trailhead, the only other spot I've seen bilberry growing. That population is much smaller, and mostly growing in the shade. At the McNair site there was a massive amount of fruit just starting to ripen. Here I did not see a single berry and never have in the past 2 years of checking on this population. I'm guessing it is manily a lack of sunlight that prevents fruiting, but who knows for sure. 

Healthy looking plants in the shade, but no fruit


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