Iceland Lichen

On Tuesday Joe and I made our way out to Palisade Head. My goal was to find Iceland lichen (Cetraria ericetorum), a rarer species in MN. At this site there is only one known clump of it, to my knowledge. Just a few days before this I had great luck finding spiny heath lichen (Cetraria aculeata) another rare species. So, I figured I'd try my luck with another set of eyes. We searched the top of Palisade for maybe an hour until I was able to find it and call Joe over. 

Iceland lichen (Cetraria ericetorum)
State Watchlist Species - Geographically Limited

Up close

The patch easily stands out from the surrounding Cladonia

Joe had to leave for a meeting, but I made my way down towards the shore to check if the interesting cinquefoil I found a month or so ago was in flower. Sure enough it was! There was a variety of plants and lichens down there.

Hanging fringe lichen (Anaptychia crinalis)
State Special Concern Species

Costal Cinquefoil (potentilla litoralis) flower


They mostly grew near small pools or crevices 

Plenty of them on the rocky shore in this area

Spike trisetum (Trisetum spicatum)
State Special Concern Species

Punctelia stictica 
State Endangered Species 


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