Rare and not so Rare Species in Ontario

I made my way up to the Thunder Bay area with my mom this weekend while she was up on vacation. We stopped at quite a few ecologically interesting spots: Mt. McKay; quite a few sections of Superior's shoreline, mostly bays protected by islands; and some cool, moist rivers that run into the big lake. I was mostly just enjoying the landscape and the break from work, but of course my eyes were also on the lichens, plants, and insects. With very little effort, I surprisingly found quite a few rare species. I have a few ideas as to why it was so easy. Many of the spots we stopped at were quite scenic, long expanses of shoreline, mountains, cliffs... these features are unique, hence they have unique species that are specialized to growing in those conditions. Going up north it was far more mountainous, being deeper into the Canadian Shield. While we definitely have similar habitats in MN, they are often more remote and inaccessible. There were also some unique rock types that I haven...