Sap is Flowing

Today David, Brie, Logan and I drove to the end of the driveway and snowshoed around for a while, collecting birch bark for winter survival class. From a distance I noticed one of the large maple trees had a streak of darker bark running up and down it. As I walked closer, I saw it was because that part of the trunk was wet. I gave it a little taste and it was nice and sweet. Yep, the sap of at least a few of the sugar maples is flowing, in January! Quite a surprise, usually in this area the maple tapping season begins in early April and lasts for a couple of weeks. But, with such warm weather today and the past week or so, I guess it isn't so surprising. Sap flowing down a sugar maple (Acer saccharum) trunk This is quite the phenological event. So far it's been an exceptionally warm winter with little snow, lots of things seem to be happening "out of season" this year. Snowshoe hares had white coats with no snow to camouflage them for quite a while, (each day there...